Having difficulties passing out your stools? Always feeling bloated and worried about you bulging tummies?
We are pleased to recommend you the Fibrena, a wonderful detox fibre product with proven satisfied results.
Benefits of the Fibrena:
- Lowering your chlorestrol level
- Acting as a preventive measure against Singapore’s number one cancer killer, Colorectal Cancer.
- Fast, effective and 100% safe for you and your family (babies and pregnant mums included).
- Includes energy booster to strengthen the cells inside your colon so that you improve over all colon health
- Includes astaxanthin
- Includes grapeseed extract which helps to prevent and reduce dementia and make you smarter (For more information click here)
- 1 sachet of Fibrena is equivalent to 5 servings of fresh organic vegetables & fruits a day
- Encourages healthy bowel movements
- Cleanses while energising the colon
- Removes toxic impurities from the body
- Helps to improve our complexion & healthier skin
About Fibrena:
The delicious yet effective Fibrena drink supplement with the great natural blackcurrant taste, powered with (Nutrition MicroAlgae) factor, Grapeseed Extract and Fructo Oligosaccharide, to help the body remove toxic impurities in a safe and gentle way, while restoring the normal function of the colon.
Fructo-oligosaccharides, also known as FOS, is extracted from fruits and vegetables. FOS are starches that the human body is unable to digest, it acts as a non-digestible Fibrena in the diet.
This portion serves as “food” for “friendly bacterias” like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus species. FOS can increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in the lower intestine and therefore aid in improving the digestion and absorption of nutrients, detoxification and elimination processes as well as the immune system.
Grapeseed Extract is a natural plant substance that has a concentrated source of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC). The OPC components can help to protect cells from the damage caused by oxidation and free radicals and also promotes healthy circulation. On top of that, it is also rich in polyphenols, a compound that is high in anti-oxidants.
NMA is a powerful combination of nutrition extracted from microalgae such as Chlorella S. and Haematococcus pluvialis. The powerful combination contains high levels of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. On top of that, they also provides the highest concentrations of proteins and beta-carotene of any foods and various micronutrients. Pure vitamin A, when consumed directly can be toxic but there is no toxicity level for beta carotene, it is “Pro-Vitamin” meaning, the body only converts to Vitamin A as it needs.
Directions: Empty one sachet of Fibrena into shaker with 150ml room temperature water, mix well and consume immediately
Ingredients: Psyllium Husk, Chlorella S. Extract, Fructose Oligosaccharide, Haematococcus P., Grapeseed Extract, Blackcurrant Powder, Aloe Vera Extract, Fructose, Citric Acid, Guar Gum, Malto Dextrin, Natural Blackcurrant Flavour
Recommended Dosage: 1 sachet everyday before bedtime and 1 sachet the following morning if necessary
Fibrena comes in packages of 50 satchets and trial packages of 10 satchets.
Interested parties please contact colourshades@gmail.com
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